Latest News
| 2007/12/15-16(Sat/Sun)
Chiba University 21st Century COE Program International Conference
“The New Economy of the United States: Possibilities and Anxieties”
Venue: Chiba University, Chiba City, Japan
(Multimedia Conference Room, the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Nishi-Chiba Campus)
Organizers: Research Center on Public Affairs for Sustainable Welfare Society (ReCPA, 21st Century Program, Chiba University), Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences (Chiba University), Workshop for the Study of the "New Economy" System.
Language: English
>>Registration, Program and Map
| 2007/4/29(Sun)
Research Center for Global Welfare International Symposium
“Global Governance and Global Welfare”
Heikki Patomaki(University of Helsinki)
Katarina Patomaki(the Network Institute for Global Democratization)
Venue: Chiba University, Chiba City, Japan
(Multi-media Conference Room, the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Nishi-Chiba Campus)
Time :13:00−17:30
| 2007/3/20(Tue)
“Framwork of Medical Ethics and Informed Consent”
William Wright Rankin(California Univ.)
commentator:Masaya Kobayashi(Chiba Univ.)
Venue :The First Conference Room at Faculty of Law and Economics
Time :13:00−17:00
Joint Workshop with The Center for the Creation and Dissemination of a New Japanese Nursing Science Incorporating Culturally Appropriate Care
| 2007/2/12(Mon)
Joint workshop
Governance, Public Policy and Social Policy
- Exploring issues for collaborative research-
Venue : The First Conference Room at Faculty of Law and Economics
Time :14:00−16:00
Joint workshop:
・ BK21 Governance Programme, Sung Kyun Kwan University, Korea
・ COE Research Centre on Public Affairs for Sustainable Welfare Society,
Chiba University, Japan
>> program
| 2006/12/15(Fri)-16(Sat)
Chiba University 21st Century COE Program International Conference
“‘Tradition’, Environment and Publicness in Asia and the Middle East”
Chiba University, Chiba City, Japan
(Multi-media Conference Room, the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Nishi-Chiba Campus)
Research Center on Public Affairs for Sustainable Welfare Society (ReCPA, 21st Century Program, Chiba University), Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences (Chiba University), Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization (IDE-JETRO)
Supported by the Japan Foundation
Language: English
>>Registration, Program and Map
International Workshop
"Climate Change and Sustainable
Jose Cordeiro(⇒to his home page)
(Professor, Universidad Central de Venezuela)
| 2006/3/27(Mon)-28(Tue)
Chiba University 21st Century COE Programme International Symposium
The First Asian Public Policy Research Consortium Meeting
Human Welfare and Public Policy under Social Justice, Equity and Democratic based Relationships
: Asian Challenges for Establishing Sustainable Welfare Society
>>>Introduction >>>Programme(revised) PDF >>>Registration
Release: The Journal on Public Affairs vol. 1 no. 1 2004 (in Japanese)
Release: The Journal on Public Affairs vol. 1 no. 2 2005 (in Japanese) |
| 2005/12/11 (Sun)-13(Tue)
International Symposium 2005
“The Cambridge Moment: Virtue, History and Public
G.A.Pocock, John Dunn, Raymond Guess, Istvan Hont, Ze'ev Emmerich, Conal Condren, James Alexander
2005/08/25 (Wed)-26(Thu)
Workshop Series 2005: 2
"Asian Values, Social Policy and Policy Reforms: What is the Direction for?"
Co-organised by
The Research Centre on Public Affairs for Sustainable Welfare Society (ReCPA), Chiba University,
The European Foundation on Social Quality (EFSQ) ,
The Netherlands &
The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
Hong Kong S.A.R.,
P.R. China
At the Board Room,
Wen Lan Tang
Shaw College,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong,,
Hong Kong S.A.R.,
P.R. China
2005/07/20 (Wed)
Public Study Center - "Public Policy Workshop No.8"
Welfare Evnvironment Exchange Center Seminar No.276
"Environmental Managment System in Public Sectors"
Kayo Ito (Research Center on Public Affiars for Sustainablae Welfare Society, Chiba University, COE Fellow)
Venue: 14:30-16:00, Room 202 Chiba University Faculty of Ltters |