Saturday, 15th December

Opening Address Toyoki Kozai, President, Chiba University
Keynote Speech Eiichi Akimoto, Chiba University

Session 1: Historical Implications of the New Economy in American Economic History

"America's New Economy in Historical Perspective"
Hugh Rockoff, Rutgers University

"Historical Origins of the New American Economy"
Gavin Wright, Stanford University

12:00-13:10 Lunch
13:10-13:50 Discussion

Session 2: The Role of IT Industries in the New Economy

"A Production Function for the IT Economy"
Yuzo Kumasaka, IT Economy Advisors, Inc. New York

"Japan's Economic Growth and Information Network Industries"
Akihiko Shinozaki, Kyushu University

"IT Industry in India: Past Performance and Challenges Ahead"
K. J. Joseph, Centre for Development Studies, Thiruvananthapuram

17:00-18:00 Discussions for Sessions 1 and 2

18:30-20:30 Party at Keyaki-Kaikan (University Hall)