The International Journal of Public Affairs
The International Journal of Public Affairs is published by the Research Center on Public Affairs for Sustainable Welfare Society (ReCPA) at Chiba University, Japan. The Journal publishes papers on public affairs and sustainable welfare society.
Vol.1 2005
- Preface(Yoshinori Hiroi)
Part 1: Introduction of 21st Century COE Programme, ‘Studies on Public Affairs for Sustainable Welfare Society’ promoted by Chiba University
- For the Realization of a Sustainable Welfare Society: The 21st Century COE Programme, “Studies on Public Affairs for Sustainable Welfare Society”(Yoshinori Hiroi )
- Three Interactive Sections for making Sustainable Welfare Society come true (Hidefumi Kurasaka, Masaya Kobayashi, Akihiko Amemiya)
Part 2: Quest for an Asian Welfare Network : towards Sustainable Welfare Society in Asia
- Japan’s Experience in Social Security: Evaluations from Perspectives of Economic Development and Asian Welfare States (Yoshinori Hiroi)
Part 3: The Elan Vital of the Community: Individuals as Citizens
- Voluntarism keeps Society Sustainable: In the Age of Border-Free Diversity(Akiko Okabe)
- Baltic Sea Region: Borders, Identities, Sharing and Caring(Jussi S. Jauhiainen)
- The Sustainability Chain: Looking at a City from the Viewpoint of Human Needs(Enric Tello)
- Sustainability and Local Community Services(Hidefumi Kurasaka)
- Cooperative and Participatory Spatial Planning in Hungary(Elisabeth Vajdovich Visy)
- Local Currency in the Social Economy (Stewart A Noble)
- People to People Exchange between the Citizens of the EU and Japan(Victor Ugarte)
Part 4: A Comparative Perspective for Sustainable Welfare Society: Visions from Sweden
- Social Security in Sweden -Some Tendencies [in Swedish] (Per Gunnar Edebalk)
- Specialisation of Needs Assessment Procedures – The Diffusion of a New Organizational Reform in Swedish Elderly Care [in Swedish](Staffan Blomberg)
- Comparison of Welfare Policy for the Aged between Sweden and Japan(Yoko Tada)
Vol.2 2006
Special Feature “The Cambridge Moment: Virtue, History, and Public Philosophy”
- Preface(Masaya Kobayashi)
- Present at the Creation: With Laslett to the Lost Worlds (J.G.A. Pocock)
- English Historiographical Revisionism, ‘Cambridge School’ intellectual history: Some Aspects of the Problem of Contextualisation Conal Condren
- Conventions and Intentions: The Problem of Closing Context in Quentin Skinner’s Methodology of the History of Political Thought(Masashi Sekiguch)
- Public Philosophy in Postwar Japan: In Focus on the Peace Constitution(Shin Chiba)
- The Idea of “Glocal” Public Philosophy in the Unstable Age of Globalization(Naoshi Yamawaki)
- New Dimension of Public Space(Takatoshi Imada)
- Environmental Management Systems for the Public Sector— Green procurement and the promotion of environmental activity in local companies(Kayo Ito)
Vol.3 2007
- Preface
Special Feature I: Cambridge Moment
- Developing the Civic Humanist Paradigm: History of Ideas and Public Philosophy (Masaya Kobayashi)
- The Western Concept of Liberty and Republicanism: A Historical Overview from Outside(Takamaro Hanzawa)
- Beyond the Ambivalent View of Commercial Society: Commerce, Industry, and Alienation in the Scottish Enlightenment(Hideo Tanaka)
- The Reception of the “Cambridge School” in Japan: With a Note on the Status of French Political Thought(Masataka Yasutake)
- History and Ideology: Teaching and Researches of History of Western Political Thought in China in the Past since the 1980’s(Qiang Li)
Special Feature II: World Poverty and Global Welfare
- Conference on the Issue of Global Welfare: at the Establishment of the Research Centre for Global Welfare(Masaya Kobayashi)
- A Currency Transaction Tax against Speculation and for Global Common Goods (Bruno Jetin)
- Exploring Potential of Global Tax: As a Cutting Edge Measure for Democratizing Global Governance(Takehiko Uemura)
- System Perspective on Service Provision: A Case of Community-based Washing Centres for Household(Oksana Mont and Andrius Plepys)(You can read this article online(PDF))